About Me at Polimedia

 Hello, I am NurMuhammad Apua Iskandar, I was born December 14, 2003, some of my closest friends used to call me 'Puan, Apu, or Pu'. I have one sister, I am now studying at the Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif, at this campus I took the Publishing Study Program.

Publishing? Yes, publishing, there must be many who don't know about this major, I didn't know at first that this kind of major exists in Indonesia. You could say I accidentally chose this major, even i thought that I was wrong in choosing a major, because initially I was with my ability in writing, I also felt that I didn't really like reading, but it turned out that after a while I studied at that college, I began to find my passion in the field of writing.

You could say I am an active person in socializing, and luckily I made friends in my college days, they are very good, they always care about me, they can be my place to tell stories and many other good things they always do. I am also happy to be able to get acquainted with many new people, friends of different classes, different majors, seniors, alumni, lecturers, and staff at Polimedia.

Besides is a photo where we all make one event on campus together. Happy, tired, angry, upset all mixed together, but it didn't feel because we were all working together on the event. We prepared the event until late at night. Interspersed with jokes, everything feels easy. Being able to interact with other students is a memory that cannot be forgotten. 
I want to express my sincere gratitude from my heart  to Desi, Devi, Citra, Calvin, Meisya, Virgie, Ryan, Kevin, Pandu, Falah, Syifa, Sasa and all that I cannot mention one by one, thank you for being a part of my life. 

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